Erbe Gin announces Belgian Brand Ambassadors

Italian producer Erbe Gin has appointed Belgian chefs Gilles Melchior and Pajtim Bajrami as brand ambassadors.

Melchior and Bajrami have teamed up with Erbe Gin as the brand seeks to elevate its culinary and mixology presence.

Melchior, who is behind his namesake Michelin-starred restaurant in Tienen, Belgium, said he was thrilled to join forces with Erbe Gin.

“Just as I approach each dish with an unwavering commitment to quality, the gin reflects a dedication to the art of distillation that resonates with my culinary philosophy,” Melchior said.

Melchior’s ‘dedication to precision, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of culinary perfection’ are in line with the values of the brand, Erbe Gin said.

Bajrami is the proprietor of French fine dining restaurant Otoro in Hasselt, Belgium, which opened last year.

“Erbe Gin represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship in the world of spirits, and I am excited to embark on this journey as a brand ambassador,” he added.

“The synergy between the gin and my culinary vision is an exciting prospect for the taste buds of our patrons.”

As brand ambassador, Bajrami will ‘infuse his distinct flair into the world of mixology’.